SMTP Server Configuration

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  1. Enter your email address in the Email address field.
  2. Enter smtp server hostname or ip address in the Server hostname field.
  3. Specify the server port in Port filed.
  4. Enter your account username in the Username field (usually its your email address).
  5. Enter your password in the Password field.
  6. Enable SSL/TLS checkbox if the server requires a secure connection (SSL or TSL).

Default SMTP Server Ports

Server Port
Non-Encrypted            25 (or 587)
Secure (TLS) 587
Secure (SSL) 465


Sending Modes

Limited with "N" messages per hour

Many SMTP servers have a limitation for the number of messages they will send from one user per hour. They will not accept anything over the limit or even block the user for a while.

If your SMTP server doesn't have any limitation then specify a large number like 10000000 or Select Multi-Thread mode with 1 thread.


If your SMTP Server allows parallel connections, you can speed up sending using this mode.


Timeout - maximum time to send 1 message, to find and stop hung tasks

Messages per connection - specify how many messages alows smtp server to send per 1 connection. The higher the value the faster the sending.