Email Merge

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Mail merge feature works by inserting special tags into the message body and subject line. The tags are substituted by the recipient's personal information.

To add personal details into your message follow these steps:

  1. Create a new message, or select one of your messages and click Edit button.
  2. Select the recipients source in the To field. Choose a mailing list or a data source.
  3. Choose the place in the message body or subject line to add your tags.
  4. Select the required tags from the tags list on the right and click Insert field button.

The names of the fields are enclosed in brackets. Lately they will be substituted by the program for the personal data of your recipients.

Before inserting merge fields, please make sure there are no missing fields in your address book. For example, if you add [Name] field, and you don't have this information for some of your contacts, the final message will miss the recipient's name.

To preview the final message which contains merged fields, just click the Merge Preview tab on the top.

Select a recipient from the list of your recipients on the top to preview the message. The preview screen on the bottom will show you the message with contact information merged.