Quick Setup:

Quick Setup:

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1. Specify real domain and email address in "HELO DOMAIN" and "MAIL FROM"


2. Check if DNS servers are working:

Email Verifier - DNS Settings

If  DNS server Test failed uncheck "Autodetect" checkbox and specify other DNS servers.

3. Import email addresses.

4. Press "Start" button on Toolbar. Program will check DNS server, Internet Connection and Connection through SMTP port.

Email Verifier -  Test internet connection dialog

To disable test in future uncheck "Check Connection" checkbox.

5. After the test, "Progress" window will appear:

Email Verifier - End Email processing

As soon as the program finishes processing, close the dialog window.

6. Now we have "Good" address in "Good email addresses" box, and "Bad" addresses in "Bad email addresses" box:

Email Verifier - Processing Log

7. To view processing log press "Log" button on the Toolbar:

Email Verifier - Processing Log